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Hand-made with Love 

Bean curd skin (Fu-Chuk), is a sign of our growing affluence in Chinese. MySoy's hand-made bean curd skin (Fu-Chuk) is attentive to every details of product making to ensure the best quality of our bean curd skin.

We use the best soybeans, soak and soften the soybeans with clean purified water. To reassure the quality of our bean curd skin, we adjust the duration from time to time depending on the beans and the climate impact. 

Next, start with grinding, cooking the pulp until the soy milk is ready and pour into the mold. Once the slurry skin forms on top of the soy milk, we detach it and send it to dry. 

All the steps are supervised by professionals to ensure the quality as well as its authentic flavor. 

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Gifts from the sun and earth 

To bring nutritions to Life

Every Piece Is An Effort From

The Heart

At MySoy, we provide 9 different varieties of soy products, including fresh bean curd skin, bean curd slice, bean curd stick, fresh soy chip, fried bean curd stick, fried bean curd skin and more. 

We name it as the 9 Wonder Treasures

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We look forward to collaborating with more like-minded businesses and diners to grow your affluence’s with us.


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